I've got a confession. I know that it's the digital age, and
we are supposed to do everything online but I love tourist leaflets. So
great excitement yesterday when this lot arrived. I'm on loads of mailing lists as I enjoy reading about what's going on.
It's also a great way to get the kids involved as they enjoy reading through them (well, the youngest looks at the photos). I think a return trip to Knaresborough is needed and I like the look of Pateley Bridge. We're also excitedly planning a few theatre trips. The Snail and the Whale at the Carriageworks looks good so does the Gruffalo at the Grand. I think we will also try to get the the Giant and the Bear next week which look like it's going to be a bonkers circus extravaganza.
If only baby was here already I would have someone to take the see the Gruffalo, I'd love to go watch that!